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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Spotlight On: Nancy Monsebroten White Earth Studios

I wanted to spotlight a potter.  Then I found White Earth Studios.  There is such a subtle elegance to Nancy Monsebroten's work.  Her exclusive use of porcelain gives her pieces such a fragile delicate beauty.  For me, it's hard to call it "pottery."

Her subtle use of color,if any, adds an almost ethereal quality.

Nancy explains, "White Earth, a series of porcelain vessels, is a homage to my childhood in the Dakotas, its visual images and memories. It is a deep respect, a bowing down to the earth where I have experienced it."

"Walking the freshly plowed fields as a child, I would find fossils, shells and arrowheads. I have renewed and extended my fascination with these shapes. I have discovered new connections between the prairie (once an inland sea) and the ocean. Like the prairie and the sea, my pieces display hues against large neutral backgrounds - a touch of pink or a glint of pearl - finding a prairie rose in a otherwise green meadow, or a single shell on a stretch of sand. "

"White Earth comes from some part of me that works unconsciously, a part that reaches down into my memories. White Earth comes from that private part of me, and I hope it will touch that part in others."

Nancy has exhibited her work internationally and won several interntaional awards. 

 Twining Leaves Wall Hanging

If you are looking for a wonderful gift that the recipient will cherish, or something special for yourself, consider the lovely work of Nancy Monsebroten.

You can find White Earth Studio at

Quote of the Day:

"A sensitive plant in a garden grew,

And the young winds fed it with silver dew,
And it opened its fan-like leaves to the light,
and closed them beneath the kisses of night."

-Percy Bysshe Shelley,
 "The Sensitive Plant," 1820

1 comment:

Nancy monsebroten said...

Susan, Thank you so much for so beautifully featuring my work. Your thoughtful blog should be a great success. Thank you again and good luck. Nancy